Faith in a Seed
“Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed. Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders,”
Henry D, Thoreau
Here we are in the midst of winter. Is this a time to be thinking about seeds? Absolutely! The seed catalogs have begun to fill the mailbox and our thoughts turn to counting the
months and weeks until we can begin to plant. Each year as the catalogs roll in, I tell myself, “You do not need to buy more seeds.” I have seeds stashed everywhere, in bags, boxes, tins and tubs, old pill bottles and envelopes. Many are seeds I have saved from year to year, many are last year’s packets, and the year before that, and the year before that. I might have a problem you say. You would be right. I am a hoarder of seeds. The funny thing is, I have learned over the years that old seeds often do not germinate, so in essence, I am wasting my time planting old seeds only to have them not germinate and then I must plant again. And yet, I have great difficulty throwing out seeds. Even if only a few seeds germinate when I am planting, I feel a sense of success. A viable seed was not wasted. For seeds truly are amazing things and should not be wasted.
This time of year, there are few things to save seeds from but here I am saving seeds. Each time I cut open a lovely winter squash to bake or make soup from, there they are, filling the cavity, fat and shiny, clinging to the gooey inside of the squash. But what potential they have. How can I just toss them out. Each seed has the potential to grow a vigorous, sprawling plant.
Open beautiful robust blossoms that the pollinators love. Set seed and provide us with an abundance of delicious, healthy food. They truly are a wonder of nature. How can a tiny seed such as that of a cherry tomato, sprout and grow a plant that then produces hundreds of little fruits for us to enjoy. How can an acorn turn into a mighty oak tree. It is a wonder.
These two plates of seeds are from just two squash. We have a dozen more squash in the basement yet to eat this winter. I will have enough winter squash seed to share with the entire county by spring. I need help, I know. I think Thoreau had it right though, convince me you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders!